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Project MC2 Perfume Science Kit
How do you stay smelling sweet while saving the world? Cue Adrienne Attoms, star of the Emmy-nominated Netflix original 'Project Mc-Squared'! Using her cosmetic chemistry skills, Adrienne can create her own perfumes – and now you can, too, with the Project MC2 Perfume Science Set! Perform this cool S. T. E. A. M. Experiment at home using just household ingredients. Formulate your own perfumes using cosmetic chemistry! Use the violet or poppy scents provided and/or fragrant household ingredients such as rosewater, flower petals, vanilla or citrus extracts. Pump the ingredients through the tubes, and watch as your custom scent drips down and collects in the beaker. Pour into the test tube-shaped spritzers to store. Includes a perfume station with pump and tubes, a beaker, 3 perfume spritzers, 2 scents, 2 pipettes and a recipe booklet. Size H25.4, W27.94cm. For ages 6 years and over. Manufacturer's 2 year guarantee. EAN: 35051546931. WARNING(S):Not suitable for children under 3 years old. Only for domestic use. Contains fragrances that may cause allergies.
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